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Grow with Google

Virtual Series

Speaker Spotlight: Dave Delaney, Google Supported Trainer

Dave Delaney headshot.jpg

Dave is also the author of the acclaimed book, New Business Networking. You can read his articles and learn more at DaveDelaney.ME.

Dave Delaney is a speaker for the Grow with Google partner program. His humble beginning? In 1983, he ran a bulletin board system on his Commodore 64 (a self-proclaimed, old school nerd). Today, Dave is a popular keynote speaker, author, and marketing communications consultant. He is the founder of and

Dave is best recognized for his work in corporate communication, digital marketing, social media strategy, and business networking. He has appeared in technology related stories in USA Today, Entrepreneur, Inc, Fortune, and Billboard Magazine.

Use YouTube to Grow Your Business

Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 12:00 PM

Get best practices for creating a YouTube Channel and compelling video content that promotes your products and services and drives engagement with your brand.


In this Grow with Google virtual workshop led by a Google-supported trainer, topics of discussion include creating a YouTube channel, understanding different video formats and how to target and measure results. 

Use YouTube to Grow Your Business is brought to you by Ascension Parish Library and co-sponsored by a Libraries Lead with Digital Skills grant through the Grow with Google Partner Program and the Public Library Association. Ascension Parish Library recently reached Silver partner status with the Grow with Google Partner Program.

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